Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Online NZ Council Cemetery Websites

We have created a new Research Link under the “Research” tab which will take you to a list we have compiled of all known NZ Council websites which include a Searchable Cemetery Database.

Research> NZ Cemetery Search> Search Cemetery> Council Website (Enter Search Name).

Cemetery records can be a great help in filling in Names and Dates which are not yet available through NZRGO BMD records online. Some Councils also include Headstone Photos and list other burials in the same plot.

If you have the patience, it is also possible to systematically search each Council site to locate an individual that you may not know where he/she is buried.  Unfortunately a few Councils still do not have their Cemetery Records online, in these instances, all the Councils concerned have indicated through their websites that the public are more than welcome to contact their office directly for Cemetery information.  While other Councils have indicated that they are working towards putting their records online in due course.

Regrettably urupa are not available to be included – the links we have placed online http://www.rcyachts.net.au/backup/index.php/joomla-overview/research/new-zealand-cemetery-search  are only Public (City/Town Council) Burial Records.